Fine motor activities!

In Reception, we are working really hard to build up the muscle strength in our hands so we have been doing lots of activities to support this. Helping the children to develop the strength in their hand muscles will support them to hold a pencil correctly and have more control with their handwriting and other fine motor skills.

You can do some activities at home to help the children build on this such as, peeling an orange, manipulating playdough into different shapes, clipping pegs onto a washing line and squeezing water out of sponges.

Likes and dislikes! 🍎 🍌 🍊

This week we did some fruit tasting! We all agreed that in order to decide whether we liked or disliked the different fruits, we needed to try them first! We tried bananas, oranges, apples and pears. We discussed which were our favourites and why (oranges were a clear favourite in RB 🍊). We also talked about which fruit we didn’t like as much.

We then looked at a type of art work called printing like this one ⬇️

We had a go at printing our favourite fruit. We used different techniques to print our work. Some of us painted our fruit first with a paintbrush and some of us dipped our fruit into the paint before we printed it onto the paper.

Next week, we are going to try a different kind of printing using wax crayons!